November 24, 2018
Small Business Saturday
So what is Small Business Saturday? Here's the history brought to you by American Express
It’s 2010, and small businesses are hurting from an economy in recession.
In an effort to support local shops that make
our communities strong, American Express
launches Small Business Saturday on the
Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage
people to Shop Small and bring more holiday
shopping to small businesses.
Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage
people to Shop Small and bring more holiday
shopping to small businesses.
One year later, as the Shop Small Movement gains momentum,
local officials across the nation take notice and promote
Small Business Saturday.
local officials across the nation take notice and promote
Small Business Saturday.
In 2011, the Senate unanimously
passes a resolution in support of
the day and officials in all 50
states participate. It even gets a
shout-out from the president of
the United States.
passes a resolution in support of
the day and officials in all 50
states participate. It even gets a
shout-out from the president of
the United States.
In 2013, more than 1,400 individuals
and organizations sign up as
Neighborhood Champions to rally their
communities with events and activities
on Small Business Saturday — and that
number continues to grow.
and organizations sign up as
Neighborhood Champions to rally their
communities with events and activities
on Small Business Saturday — and that
number continues to grow.
As shopping small catches on in communities everywhere, Small Business Saturday goes from a cause to a day of
community celebration.
community celebration.
Because a visit to the family-owned framing shop or a stop
at the neighborhood taco truck not only supports our local
economies, but also promotes thriving communities.
at the neighborhood taco truck not only supports our local
economies, but also promotes thriving communities.
Thank you for supporting us.